The tagging workflow analyzes the call transcript and adds tags to contacts based on the information in it
You do not need to adjust the workflow in any way; turn it to publish!
It can be found in GHL under "Automation."
- Click on "Tagging Workflow."
- The trigger for this workflow is when the transcript changes in some way. If the prospect does not answer, no tags are added by this workflow.
- If the transcript includes information about a meeting being booked, the contact will then receive a Booked tag.
- If the prospect answers but does not book a meeting or indicate they are not interested, the prospect will receive a Nurture tag.
- If the prospect voices that they are not interested or do not want to be called again, they will receive a DND (Do not dial) tag. SalesAi Voice will also mark these contacts as DNC (Do not contact), so this is an additional layer.
- In order for the workflow to function, you must switch it to "Publish." We recommend doing this when you turn on your calling workflow.